Treat yourself with some Divergent

This is a post about Divergent. 

Everything you are about to see comes 
from the joy of the book coming to life 
on the big screen and it being amazing!!!

Too cute

It's another YA, I know.
And yet another trilogy of a dystopian world, I know.
But you know what?

 I have read the book quite some time ago
and enjoyed it a lot
At least the first two ones. 
And then the third one happened...
But that's a discussion for another time.

The thing about books turning into movies,
it's that nothing is ever as good as the books.
Like never, ever.
Ok, there are times, rare times, that movies might be slightly better,
but like I said, RARE.

First and most important part,
the cast!
You always want your favorite character to be done justice,
because we all know nothing is better than our beloved fictional favorites.
We had :

To be fair, it's a pretty good cast, 
with some really promising new actors.
But the one that got me doubting was Theo.
I mean, he is kinda old for Four.
Kinda like too old. 
At times you don't notice it, 
but I mean, Four is 17
while Theo is 29.
See what I mean?
But I guess he has enough charm 
to make me forget about it for a long while.

I mean, c'mon!

So back to the point, the actual movie.
(I get sidetracked pretty easily)

Here's a list of things that I liked
and just a few that I didn't like. 
So very few.

Shailene as Tris.

She's amazing in the movie.
So true to the character,
always expressing emotions 
and being kickass in just the right amount.

Theo as Four.

Can't say that he's my Four, 
but Theo tried.
The age factor didn't bother me much during the movie.
Blame it to his British charm and goodlooking-ness. 
(That's not a word, is it?)
There were some scenes where he couldn't exactly get hold of the character,
but all in all, I liked him.

Tris and Four.

They made it work.
The chemistry going between these two,
was a key point of the entire movie.

The lightness of it.

It was a 2 hours long movie and not for a second it felt that long.
Even though Tris and the rest of the other teenagers couldn't get a break,
the jokes, the touch of reality that they gave to the districts, the pace of the movie.
It all came together to making it really easy to enjoy. 

The rest of the cast.
Especially Eric. And Peter.

All of them being right on spot added to the fullness of it.

And last but not least,
directing and soundtrack.

I liked how the all the right moments were captured
and how the director would focused on an actor when needed
and bring out the best angle.
Also, the music enhanced all the effects. 
Expect for the Ellie Goulding songs. 
Those were just horrible.

I saw the movie just 2 days ago
and yet I want to see it again.
And again.

Buzzfeed also made a list of reasons.
I agree. 
Just kidding.
Sort of.

So go treat yourself with the next showing of Divergent in the closest cinema.
